Oxygen, an indispensable element of skin life and health, has many qualities. Formulas with oxygen, a powerful disinfectant, are hypoallergenic, suitable for all skin types and need no preservatives thanks to its cleansing action. A purely natural element, active oxygen is highly moisturizing and has great affinity with hydrogen, helping create water molecules within the epidermis.


0.5% active oxygen

Our skincare creams for sensitive areas : eye contour, very fine skin, etc., are made with 0.5% active oxygen

1% active oxygen

Our creams featuring 1% active oxygen are suitable for all skin types

2% active oxygen

2nd level of oxygenation, intended for dry skin, with deeper wrinkles and for skin prone to imperfections

3% active oxygen

Our creams with 3% active oxygen fight imperfections at a deeper level

4% active oxygen

The 4th and most powerful level of our products. Made with 4% active oxygen in order to attack and break down fat deposits

Oxygen provides a sensation of freshness and may cause slight tingling, which proves that it changes its state and works on the epidermis.


Deeply reoxygenating, Karin Herzog skincare reactivates cutaneous respiration and rids the skin from its impurities thanks to the antiseptic effect of hydrogen peroxide. Formulated with active oxygen, the treatments are applied in a very fine layer without the use of massaging, ideally with a brush to help release the oxygen directly onto the skin.

Parce qu'il est bon de donner chaque jour à sa peau des nutriments différents, ce coffret contient 7 soins à l'oxygène enrichis d'un actif star.
— VOGUE France
The make-up artist Kay Montano relies on Karin Herzog Mild Scrub to give her celebrity clients an enviable glow.
[...] la linea suiza Karin Herzog. Sus formulas estimulan a las células para que vuelvan a trabajar de manera correcta y mejoran el colageno y la elastina
— ELLE Mexico